CV Assistance

and Interview Coaching


Have you landed an interview and require coaching, or you simply want to be mentored around developing a great CV that stands out?

Our CV Assistance and Interview Coaching service will help you build confidence and prepare you to sell yourself correctly in your upcoming interview opportunity.

This service will cost you MK5,000 only. Once you pay, you will be allocated a dedicated career consultant to walk you through your opportunity.

If you are ready to get this service, here is how to pay:

Payment details for Premium AGRI-JOBS Candidate

Mobile money payments

Mpamba: 0888851538

Airtel money: 0999800100

Bank Transfers

Account name:Agrijobs

Bank:FDH Bank

Account number:1970000223444

Once you have made the payment, send your CV and proof of payment to or 0999 800 100

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