Other, Bixter
Other, Chemonics
Lilongwe, Greenbelt Authority (GBA)
Lilongwe, Greenbelt Authority (GBA)
Lilongwe, World Relief Malawi
Blantyre, Catholic Relief Services
Mzuzu, Catholic Diocese of Mzuzu CADECOM
Lilongwe, Good Neighbors International-Malawi
Lilongwe, Christian Aid
Blantyre, Mary's Meals
Kasungu, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
Lilongwe, Good Neighbors International-Malawi
Lilongwe, UN Women
Lilongwe, African Vision Malawi
Lilongwe, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Other, Total LandCare Malawi
Lilongwe, Total LandCare Malawi
Lilongwe, GIZ
Lilongwe, TechnoServe
Other, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Other, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)
Lilongwe, World Food Programme
Mzuzu, Mzuzu University
Lilongwe, Heifer International
Ntcheu, World Vision
Ntcheu, World Vision
Mzimba, Catholic Diocese of Mzuzu
Lilongwe, Malawi Federation of Cooperatives Limited
Lilongwe, Shaping Our Future Foundation (SOFF)
Lilongwe, Gala Agriculture Company Ltd
Mzuzu, Mary's Meals
Other, Innovation: Africa (iA)
Mangochi, Innovation: Africa (iA)
Other, Innovation: Africa (iA)
Lilongwe, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Lilongwe, WaterAid
Lilongwe, World Vision
Lilongwe, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Blantyre, The Hunger Project Malawi
Other, Total LandCare Malawi
Lilongwe, Total LandCare Malawi
Lilongwe, Total LandCare Malawi
Mzuzu, Find Your Feet (FYF)
Other, Plan International
Chikwawa, African Park Limited
Lilongwe, World Vision
Lilongwe, Financial Access for Rural Markets, Smallholders and Enterprises (FARMSE)
Kasungu, Circle for Integrated Community Development (CICOD)
Lilongwe, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW)
Lilongwe, FAO