Premium candidate

Premium candidate

If you are looking for a job in agriculture and development, merely using AGRIJOBS’s free basic membership could stand you a good chance of landing an opportunity. On the other hand, if you want to set yourself apart and “seal the deal,” an AGRIJOBS Premium Candidate account (starting at MK30,000/year, and paid a year upfront) might be worth considering.

An AGRIJOBS Premium Candidate account costs MK30,000 per 1 2 months For the Premium Candidate account, you get several additional features over the basic account, including free InMails, profile views to active employers, more intel on the job and job applicants, and featured applicant status.Some recruiters feel that having a premium status indicates that an applicant is more serious and professional about landing a job.

What You Get With Agri-jobs premium career Account

Featured Applicant Status

As a premium member, your job application automatically sits above non-premium members when you apply for a job via AgriJobs. This is similar to sponsored search status on facebook. When AGRIJOBS is contacted for placements in institutions, as a premium member you get priority consideration thereby standing out of the job seeking crowd.

Connecting With Executive Openings

We find opening and present them to you. Premium membership makes you a beneficiary of our service to employer clients who want to hire and/or scout candidates in privacy settings. While you can receive an unlimited number of job openings with a basic account, you can only have us do a job search on your behalf if you have a premium membership.

Increase In Profile Views

Many job and consultancy opportunities are offered to potential candidates in the back burner without being made public. Your profile as a premium candidate experiences views from a lot of employers seeking short- and long-term talent. Something as simple as “profile views” can have a significant impact on your ability to connect with the right employer

Continuous Support with Interviews

We will be permanently at your service to coach you for any interview attendance as per your need.

Payment details for Premium AGRI-JOBS Candidate

Mobile money payments

Mpamba: 0888851538

Airtel money: 0999800100

Bank Transfers

Account name:Agrijobs

Bank:FDH Bank

Account number:1970000223444

click above icon to Upload proof of payment


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